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Értéket teremtünk a helyadatokból! Küldetésünk az ipari optimalizálás következő szakaszának előmozdítása. Behozzuk az intralogisztikát az Ipar 4.0 korszakába!

Értéket teremtünk a helyadatokból! Küldetésünk az ipari optimalizálás következő szakaszának előmozdítása. Behozzuk az intralogisztikát az Ipar 4.0 korszakába!
A FloWide alapítója, Fehér Gábor egyetemi tanulmányai során találkozik először az UWB technológiával. Felismerve a benne rejlő lehetőségeket, elkezdi lefektetni az alapjait azon technológiáknak amikre később a FloWide épülni tud.
After years of research and several home-brew solutions, DecaWave releases the DW1000, the first commercially available integrated UWB radio solution.
Gábor Fehér founds Optimized Mobile Technologies Ltd. to capitalise on new trends in indoor location technologies. The engineering services provider’s revenue funds further development of UWB-based solutions.
First early adopters deploy our UWB RTLS-based solutions to optimise their manufacturing processes in Hungary. Experimentation with real-time location data begins.
20,000 sqm of factory shop floor covered by our RTLS technology (marketed as Sunstone-RTLS) tracking 1000+ devices in real time.
Challenges introduced by pandemic forced us to think it over and restart. FloWide was born to create the software that enables manufacturers to get the most out of their location data.
FloWide wins ruhrSummit Start-up challenge for Real-Time Locating System (RTLS) for assembly processes in partnership with Siemens Energy.
FloWide joins BetaDen Technology Accelerator as part of cohort 4.0 for a 6 months program.
After years of development FloWide team creates Hybrid RTLS that lowers the barriers of benefitting from real-time location data.
New clients begin reaping the benefits of the FloWide shopfloor location intelligence, and the FloWide journey continues...
The Scotty of the USS FloWide, Balázs is great with deadlines and loves creating easy to use software. He’s the inventor of the FloWide Workbench platform.
A doubter of unproven trends Gábor, relies on tried and trusted classical approaches. He’s the one behind our amazingly robust electronics.
A brutal perfectionist Róbert never lets a CPU cycle go to waste. He’s the one that turns every state-on-the-art algorithm into a work-horse system ready for deployment.
Our in-house template magician, Béla is a competitive spirit you’ll often find at a hackathon. He’s the one that enjoys mapping processes and data into a layered structure.
Contact us and start benefiting from a digitalised intralogistics.